Istanbul Province - Polyglot 네트워크

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Istanbul Province Polyglot 네트워크에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

Dear Polyglotcheeky
Welcome to Polyglot İstanbul Network! We are very happy to see you here!

You can be sure you will spend time very well here. There are lots of people to help you whenever you want. Please do not be shy and start connecting with others. Maybe you would like to organise an event in your city or something online. İstanbul Network will be your first supporter in any cool idea. 

Time to discover and improve your language skills wink

Admin of the İstanbul




Sevgili Polyglotcheeky
Polyglot İstanbul Ağına Hoşgeldin! Seni burada gördüğümüz için çok mutluyuz!

Burada çok iyi zaman geçireceğinden emin olabilirsin. İstediğin zaman sana yardım edecek çok fazla insan var. Utangaç olma ve başkalarıyla bağlantı kurmaya başla lütfen.
Belki şehrinde ya da çevrimiçi bir ortamda bir etkinlik düzenlemek istersin. İstanbul Ağı, bu konuda her zaman destekçin olacaktır.'u keşfetme ve dil becerilerini geliştirme zamanı geldiwink

İstanbul Yöneticisi


HefeWeizen profile picture HefeWeizenAugust 2016
hi everyone! I seek russian, italian german and offer english ,turkish and german.
  • sarosh_dah profile picture sarosh_dahFebruary 2017
    hii ....for me the Arabic is my mother language.. so i love to learn english
Elif_1995 profile picture Elif_1995August 2016
Hi guys.I am know a little english. I want to learn fluent english and spanish. Do you help me ? send me message please
sarosh_dah profile picture sarosh_dahFebruary 2017
good afternoon friends
mustuu profile picture mustuuApril 2016
hello friends im a student in Istanbul any one can help me to learn Turkish and i will help you to learn english or arabic
Lia_Papadakis profile picture Lia_PapadakisApril 2014
Merhaba arkadaslar!
verruckterjunge profile picture verruckterjungeApril 2014
Have a nice day!
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